Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Customer Service Mistakes That Companies Make

As a consumer, customer, or whatever you want to call the person paying someone for someTHING (service, product, groceries, and the like), there are a few things that really bug me.

Maybe getting these things out in the open will help companies that employ these practices do a better job.

biggest pet peeves:

1. At the bank: waiting in the line to talk to the bank teller. It makes you feel weird. Plus, you can hear what they are saying to the person they are supposedly helping in front of you and you know the person behind you will hear what they are saying to you when it's finally your turn.

2. to add insult to injury, when I finally get to the front of the line and the teller LEAVES. Doesn't say anything like, "I'll be right with you in a moment," but just LEAVES, leaving me standing there wondering when/if they will ever come back. They do, but I'm usually left wondering - and anxious - because it's a BANK for heaven's sake.

3. Standing in line to pay for something. Not only is the store going to take my money (more than the thing I am paying for is worth, I know), but also I have to WAIT in the line for them to do it. It makes you feel this (thumb to forefinger) big.

4. Filling up my car at my local gas station and being forced to listen to some inane video blaring from the gas pump. Plus it's ALWAYS the same video: They NEVER change it!

5. Staying with the gas station theme, WHY do gas stations whine about the fact that they ONLY make money on their c-store operation, but then make it so easy for customers to NOT go inside? Why don't they offer a convenient way to buy something RIGHT AT THE PUMP? Gum, water, coffee, soft drinks or snacks? Make it EASY for me to buy something : I don't WANT to go inside and wait in line to pay. Plus I'd like to tack on whatever c-store product I would like to buy with my gas purchase right at the pump, thereby having one charge, not two.

6. When a company advertises internet access at their location, but then makes you PAY for it. Marriott Hotels, Starbucks come to mind. Better alternative: Panera: Internet is free, easy, and convenient. Thank you Panera!

7. When a company emails you that your bill is coming due: in six weeks. Email me when it's due the NEXT DAY please. Send me a paper bill when it's due in two or more weeks. (AT&T).

These are things that come immediately to mind... I may be adding to this post later!

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